How is life like behind bars for young people?

It's time to challenge what we've seen so far in movies and tv, and take a tour in the youth detention centre, the National Juvenile Institution De Hartelborgt.

Here, young people between the ages of 12 to 25 incarcerate for criminal reasons. This is the only national institute to also accommodate youth with serious psychiatric problems. The institution's mission is to assist and motivate young citizens to develop as best as possible.

  • When: May 24th at 11:00
  • Where: National Juvenile Institution De Hartelborgt (we are travelling all together)
  • Language: English
  • Registration: Free, through our website. Ends on May 16th!
  • Food: Vegetarian snack from Mcd's will be provided after the tour

So, are you a psychology, pedagogical sciences student, and/or a Cedo Nulli member who is striving to learn how to provide help in challenging situations?

Then, this tour is the perfect opportunity for you! If you have specific questions that you want them to be addressed during the tour, send us an email at:

Lots of luv,