Getting to know the new MediaCom!



Are you a prospective student who want to come to Rotterdam to study a social science? Do you want to find out more about how classes go, how you can spend your time outside of classes, what you can do on campus, or just how life in Rotterdam is as a whole?

Or are you a student, who has had some experience on your own, but still wants to know more about your fellow students’ life in Rotterdam?

Are you interested in the life of people in the educational domain, our university or the beautiful city of Rotterdam?

If so, check out our first project, from us, the Media Committee. We are bringing you interesting interviews with students and some employees of the faculty, to give you the most realistic experience from different perspectives of the school and life. 

Videos are coming soon on our Instagram channel (@media.cedonulli), so follow us and enjoy all of these amazing videos!

Much love, 
The MediaCom!