Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between a study association and a student association?
Where a student association is a fully independent organization where anyone can become a member, only people from specific study programs can join their respective study associations. Our main focus as study association is to help you with your study and future career. The biggest difference is that you have no obligations as a member of a study association, you can join our activities whenever you feel like! Besides, we are linked to the university and have no hazing. 

Does Cedo only focus on study and career?
No, definitely not! Meeting new people and building new friendships is a really important part of Cedo as well. 

Is it advisable to become a member in my first year?
Yes, Cedo can offer you a lot of benefits during your first study year! For example, we offer free studygroups to our members. We also give you the possibility to meet a lot of other (freshmen) students. Seeing as we have no obligations there is no negative impact of joining in your first year.

Can I combine a Cedo membership with other associations or activities?
Yes, Cedo Nulli can be easily combined with other associations or activities. You can make your Cedo Nulli membership as intensive as you want it to be.

Can I become a member without an active contribution to the association?
Yes, Cedo Nulli can be as intense as you want to make it. You can choose to become a committee member and organize different events, but you can also choose to just enjoy the activities and the extras that we offer. 

In what ways can I contribute to Cedo Nulli?
You can become a committee member in one of our nineteen different committees. The committees range from organising fun events, parties, travels and drinks, to committees that focus more on the educational or career aspect of studying. If you want to fully contribute to Cedo Nulli you can apply for a board year. And of course you can contribute by just being at our activities and enjoying yourself!

Where can I find Cedo Nulli?
Cedo Nulli has an office on the 15th floor of the Mandeville building, T15-03. You are always welcome for a fun talk, a nice cup of coffee or a fun game of Mario Kart!

What are the costs of a membership?
A Cedo Nulli membership fee is €19,99 per year. This low fee gives you free access to the study groups and all our activities. 

How can I become a member?
You can become a member via our website, Besides, you can join us at one of our events during the Eurekaweek, where we would love to answer any questions you may have and help you sign up. 

Can I only become a member during the eurekaweek or can I still join afterwards?
You can join Cedo Nulli after the Eurekaweek as well! You can join our association at every given moment. Notice that your membership lasts from the moment of registration, till August 31st 2025. Joining during the Eurekaweek will make sure you can get the most out of your membership!

What are the activities that Cedo Nulli organizes?
Cedo Nulli organizes a wide array of activities. These activities are divided into our three pillars, namely Career, Education and Recreation. One of our career-oriented events is our annual Social Sciences Career Week, a week full of trainings, workshops and lectures to help you orientate on your future career. Our educational events vary from our study groups to symposia and to excursions, to for example a youth detention centre. And, of course we organize a lot of recreational activities, such as parties, monthly drinks and trips abroad, for example our Studytrip, Skitrip and Destination Unknown.

Does Cedo Nulli have a hazing?
No, at Cedo Nulli we don’t believe in hazing, you can easily become one of our new friends.

How can I deregister?
To unsubscribe from Cedo Nulli, you have to send an email to Note that your deregistration is only valid when you received a confirmation email. Your membership is automatically extended on the 31st of August every year.