In 2021 we started with a new activity: The PECS Project. We want to give students in Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences the chance to develop the skills they need in the work field in a safe but realistic environment. Therefore, we organized three sessions. Students got to see what their interests are within the workfield. After this they got the chance to work with professional training actors who acted out clients you could encounter in the future. They are specialized in giving feedback on communication skills. The actors first simulated a situation with each other. After that students got the opportunity to fix the problem of their "client" (a.k.a. training actor) in smaller groups! 

In 2022 the PECS Project was a huge success, and again in 2024, we had a wonderful edition of the PECS project with enthusiastic participants and experienced actors, who gave us the unique opportunity to practice emotional regulation recognition exercises, boundary exercises and client sessions. We look forward to the next edition of the project!